CE2017 - Day Scores

Competition Enterprise tasks are by their nature "enterprising" and not the normal racing tasks of other gliding competitions. Pilots have to make their own decisions before flight and in the air, with various bonus points available. The primary aim of Enterprise is to maximise the day, making the most of all types of lift, exploring the countryside and generally encourage an 'enterprising' approach to the day's flying.

Day Scores

Day 1 Saturday 1st July (pdf) final

Day 2 Sunday 2nd July (pdf) final

Day 3 Monday 3rd July (pdf) final

Day 4 Wednesday 5th July (pdf) final

Day 5 Thursday 6th July (pdf) final

Day 6 Friday 7th July (pdf) final

Day 7 Saturday 8th July (pdf) revised final

Overall Scores

Overall Scores Final  Download the pdf (revised)

List of Pilots entered

List of Sponsors

Competition Enterprise North Hill 2017 Blog

Competition Enterprise Facebook